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I want to be recognized for my authentic self and social worth. I am genuinely committed to the things I care about and want to show schools, employers, landlords, and creditors that they can rely on me to honor my word.


I may not be perfect, but am proud of who I am. I am committed to continuously bettering myself and overcoming my self-limiting behaviors. And I want to be recognized for the progress I am making by being given equitable access to opportunties that can improve the quality of my life.

I always aspire to better myself and those around me. And I am proud of it. But I have no way of showing it without bragging. I have a purpose and causes that I care about and have fully committed to those I value most. When I commit, I am diligent in pursuing my goals with a strong sense of self-discipline. My word, to myself and others, is my bond. You can bank on it.

It doesn’t matter whether I am being paid or volunteering, my promise is an unwavering commitment that does not depend on any external carrot or stick, other than my reputation.


It is the most valuable thing I have. It is my word.


I’d bet you never knew that about me.

There are many reasons:

  • The information about me is inherently biased, since it is typically based on my self-assertions or self-selected sources.
  • Most information about me talks about accomplishments, but doesn’t provide much insight into how I “played the game” to get my results – others might have more credentials, but I am trustworthy.
  • I may be new to this environment and lack a strong history of relevant experience, which means that when I apply for opportunities I have to prove myself based on my soft skills, something hard to do in an application form, or even an interview – “Hey, you can rely on me. Trust me. ?”
  • I have no objective evidence of relevant aspects of my life that don’t naturally fit in a resume, hence I can’t prove that I am productive with strong self-discipline.
  • I have an official record of my credentials, but it’s not so different from other people’s records. So without considering my past and ongoing progress, I have no way of showcasing recent improvements in my behavior patterns.
  • I am therefore subject to unfair and onerous restrictions, such as probation periods, higher security deposits, bonding requirements, higher prices and deductibles, lower compensation, etc. that impose unfair, if not discriminatory, barriers.
  • I have no standardized and comparative way to measure and report on my soft skills and good character.
  • I can’t find a way to prove to evaluators that I am one of many people without a credit score who are, nevertheless, trustworthy.

USE ReliablyME

Showcase the Real You

You are a human being with purpose, passion, and personal integrity – much more than your academic record and your resume represent.

Social Commitment

Build your ReliablyME Commitment Portfolio from every aspect of your life so you can use it as your behavioral credential that showcases your character and authentic self/social worth, and gives you a competitive advantage when applying for education, employment, housing, insurance, credit, etc.


You are committed to achieving goals that matter a great deal and want to adopt a healthier lifestyle or are striving to achieve an ambitious personal goal. So you use ReliablyME to be accountable to someone who cares about your success and can regularly nudge you to stay on track.


Earn Badges

Build your reliability and punctuality scores

Grow your confidence in making commitments

Earn Badges




Build your reliability and punctuality scores

Reliability Rating: Punctuality Score:
95 % 75 %

Grow your confidence in making commitments

Confidence Factor

Confidence Factor is a function of your tendency to successfully make commitments beforehand.